Thursday, September 8, 2011

i'm done with the sun...son (ode to V)!

i've never been a sun worshipper, but i've always done a little bit of chicken fryin in the summer months (gal bonding).  now that i'm approaching middle age (ok it's starting to feel that way) i'm increasingly worried bout wrinks on my chest/neck region (see below post).  after speaking with a few profs i have found the biggest culprit is indeed the sun (ah-doy!).  i'm done with the sun fo fo.
NIA24 products are fab for reducing the signs of sun worship...i've already raved bout the physical cleansing scrub they have (which i still use every morning - on face and neck area)
and now i've added NIA24 sun damage repair for decolletage and hands (and i'm using it on my face as per my dermo)!  LOVE it.  after 3 weeks of consistent freckles (sun damage) are fading! 
buy it here:

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